Kipping Clinic!

July 20th
Kipping clinic 10am-11am
Butterfly Kipping clinic 11am-12pm
$15 for members, $20 for non-members

Have you been wondering how to string pullups together? The solution is the kipping pull-up. Kipping takes practice, lots and lots of practice. It is difficult to teach yourself how to do, so why not get some top-quality instruction? Solcana CrossFit is hosting a kipping clinic, followed by a butterfly kipping clinic on Sunday July 20th. Prerequisite for the kipping clinic is that you can do at least 1 strict pullup. For the butterfly clinic, the prerequisite is that you can string together 5-10 regular kipping pullups.

Coach Hannah has taught dozens of kipping clinics in the past to hundreds of athletes. Sign up to learn more about how to prep your shoulders, how to control your kip to avoid tearing, and how to become a highly efficient pullup beast. Sign up now because spots are limited!

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