Solcana Powerlifting Meet

deadliftWe are holding a Powerlifting meet at Solcana on September 13th, 2014. Weigh-ins starting at 8 am, lifting starts at 10 am. This meet is intended for newbie lifters who have attended 1 or zero powerlifting meets in the past.

The meet will consist of the deadlift, bench and back squat. There is room for 24 lifters – 12 men, 12 women – and the final scores will be determined using the Wilks body weight coefficient and McCulloch age coefficient adjustments. Awards will be given for top three in each gender group.

If you are new to powerlifting or have never been to a meet, this is the perfect opportunity to sign up! Entry fee is $20 and checks can be made out to Solcana CrossFit.

Other information about the meet requirements:
Raw powerlifting only. No knee wraps. Neoprene knee sleeves are allowed. Wrist wraps are allowed. Singlet is not required by encouraged. Tight form fitting costume required. No long pants, no long sleeves, no baggy shorts or baggy t-shirts. Any type of weight lifting belt will be allowed. Tall socks required on the deadlift.


1. Fill out the Registration form below.

2. Pay your entry fee in order to save your spot. Either pay in person, or mail a check to “Solcana CrossFit” at 1915 E. 22nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55404




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