• Mobility Class

    The mobility class starts tonight at 6:30 pm. Why am I so pumped about this class? Because, in order for you to reach your full potential as a Solcanaut, you must be mobile. No, I am not talking about just plain ole stretching, I am talking about functional mobility that you can access at any…

  • The First 6 Weeks

    The First 6 Weeks

    Our first 6 weeks of programming is going to include 3 days per week of strength-building foundational lifts, and 3 days per week of technical work on the Olympic lifts. Even if you don’t know much (or anything) about what these lifts are, you can still stay ahead of the game by planning ahead. Here…

  • Opening June 1st

    Opening June 1st

    Our Grand Opening is right around the corner! June 1st we will be hosting our first workouts for all of our brand new members. Members can sign up through their WODify accounts to be part of our opening day classes. Check out our stats below and get excited! Solcana in the Numbers 2 owners 40…

  • Coach Morgen Larsen

    Coach Morgen Larsen CrossFit L1 CrossFit Kids What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? Desperation. ?I had just turned 30 and was in terrible shape. ?I knew I would be a complete train wreck by 40 if I didn’t do something, so I tried CrossFit after a friend recommended it. ?I found that although the…

  • Coach Jerik Hendrickson

    Coach Jerik Hendrickson What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? I struggled with weight throughout my entire adult life and finally found some success by fixing my diet. ?Eventually it became clear that my sedentary lifestyle wasn’t going to help my progress in any way. ?I had tried a million times to workout on my…

  • Yoga Coach Wendy Hurd

    Yoga Coach Wendy Hurd What inspired you to start practicing yoga? It is more that yoga found me. ?I was curious and it was the right time, right place. ?A friend invited me to class and it “took”. ?Now I can’t imagine my life without yoga. ?It’s also why taking someone to their first yoga…

  • Powerlifting Coach Michael Sampson

    Coach Michael Sampson What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? I first heard of CrossFit via Mark Rippetoe’s Wichita Falls Athletic Club back in 2007. My first visit to crossfit.com did not impress me. I didn’t really get it. Over the next few months I kept checking out the site. Eventually I tried a few…

  • Coach Jeff Lockhart

    Coach Jeff Lockhart What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? I had been in to weightlifting and fitness since about 7th grade. ?It was always the 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps of isolation exercises based on the 1970’s world of bodybuilding. ?I even went so far as to compete in a teenage bodybuilding contest. ?As…

  • Coach Ariel Trangle

    What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? I had a very amazing role? model (Hannah) inspire me when I heard she was doing pull-ups.?I have always loved exercising and?moving, however, I?wanted to get stronger, feel more safe, and be more confident as a women.? I began CrossFit wanting to learn how to safely and correctly…

  • Coach Jake Heath

    What inspired you to start doing CrossFit? My routine was lifting at LA Fitness and running around the lakes in the summer.? I felt like I needed more coaching in my lifts and wanted to have more exciting conditioning during the winter.? I signed up only planning to stay for 6-12 months, but I ended…

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