We’re happy to announce Elly as our Athlete of the Month! Elly is a valued athlete at Solcana, and their intentionality and positive attitude are just a few of the many incredible attributes they have. Read more about our May Athlete of the Month below!
Coach Neesh says, “Elly!! Extremely knowledgeable about how her body moves in space. She always brings a positive attitude into class and is always ready for feedback. A+mover!”
Coach Brooke adds, “I’m always inspired by Elly’s ability to seemingly embody playfulness, power, and intention all in one class. Elly makes classes work for them and their body, sometimes straying from the programming, which is really cool to see.”
Elly talks a little bit about their Solcana journey. “I joined Solcana in 2020 a little bit after COVID started because my partner Ewan was doing it and I had nothing else to do. Solcana eventually became a key part of my quarantine routine, and I did SO many burpees. Nowadays, the gym continues to be a grounding and consistent part of my life—minus the burpees, I try to avoid them whenever possible. Solcana helps me get out to the house and get some much-needed human contact.”
“I have loose fitness goals—like not getting injured and doing a single muscle up—but I’m mostly just here for the vibes and the community. I appreciate that Solcana is a place I can show up and do whatever I’m up for, whether that’s going all out or taking it easy.”
Coach Garrett F adds, “Elly is so powerful and hardworking as an athlete and yet she always comes off as very humble and willing to learn. She takes on monster challenges in areas that are not her strengths all the time and continues to grow as an athlete in skill, mental capacity and raw power. I am inspired by the playful way she approaches physical challenges, as well as her amazing execution. She is also really fun and funny. My only complaint about Elly is that our gym schedules rarely coincide.”
Coach Amelia says, “During pandemic Zoom fitness I got to know Elly as that athlete who’d join Ewan on screen after the question of the day, silent and sneaky, and then just wow me with their speed and strength, plowing through each workout.? Elly is inspirational to watch move, she often throws up one of the fastest MetCon times, and never by going light or easy in her choices.”
“Elly is a frisbee player, cyclist, climber, hiker, paddler, and broomballer… they put in the practice needed to grow in each sport! Elly is a supportive friend and family member, dotes on her beautiful cat Lou, and makes me laugh often with her wit. Elly is the best and I’m so happy to have them in my life!”
Elly talks more about her experience at our gym: “I never could have imagined using a 35# dumbbell or being able to do multiple pull-ups before joining the Solcana family.”
“Being at a gym of such strong people of different ages, experience levels, and body sizes has also been so cool! It has really inspired me to push myself and to get stronger. Making friends at a gym is also something I never thought possible but that has been the best part of my experience here by far.”
Coach Jeff says, “Elly is strong, athletic, and welcoming without an ounce of pretense and I think that makes folks so comfortable being in space with them.”
Coach Hannah adds, “Elly truly is a wonderful person and super funny in unexpected ways. Obviously,?she’s?a fantastic athlete and puts her heart into everything she does, but she also keeps a sense of humor and humility. I love watching her grow and become more of an inspirational leader to others in the gym, without even really trying to be.?She’s?the best and I am grateful we all found each other.”
Elly’s Fun Facts and Hobbies!
- I collect Lou’s whiskers.
- I love cabbage!
- I am afraid of bugs…especially spiders.
- My favorite thing to buy at Costco is Lobster Ravioli!
- I have 25 unused classes at a local yoga studio.
“Outside of Solcana, I spend many hours playing competitive ultimate frisbee. I also casually boulder, make fan art inspired by my cat, Lou, and go through intense phases of playing my Nintendo Switch.”
Elly is a cherished member of our Solcana community, and we have infinite praise for her dedication to pushing herself and bringing a humble and kind energy to each class. We can’t wait to see Elly keep getting stronger and stronger!